Communicating for Change


Professor Gerhard Kramer was born in Winnipeg, Canada, where he completed his studies up to a Master level. Desiring to explore the world, he moved to Europe for his doctoral work, followed by a decade-long stay in the United States for work. Unlike many of his contemporaries, Professor Kramer did not come into association with the Technical University of Munich (TUM) until the early 2000s.

Familiar with the European academic set-up since his doctoral work days, Professor Kramer moved to Munich, Germany to start his professorship at the TUM in 2009. At this time, the world had started to move aggressively in the field of communications engineering. Moore’s Law was at its peak, with the movement of personal communication devices taking a huge leap forward.

Buzzwords for communications engineering sped out faster than ever, as new catchphrases such as the Internet-of-Things became the next big thing.

Intensively is the word to describe the world as it lurched forward in the area of communication networks, and so needed the classroom. Today’s engineers must have the ability to understand both the soft and hard skills surrounding their craft, Professor Kramer believes. As one of the world’s leading researchers in information theory and communications engineering, Professor Kramer understands the finer points behind communications infrastructure like no other. But communicating this knowledge to students, is a whole new set of skills that does not spill over from his area of expertise, he says.

 I want to reveal the world of communication for change

Professor Kramer finds that one of the greatest challenges as an educator is in cracking the code to tutor a variety of students with various learning capabilities in one single class setting. While he hopes to be able to solve complex issues in the world of communications engineering during his lifetime, he understands his first task is always to pass on his knowledge and passion of his field to his young pupils. “The communications topic has a reasonable amount of engineering mathematics which requires attention to detail, but one is rewarded with broad insight,” he quips, when asked about the style of teaching he brings to the classroom.

Becoming independent thinkers is a goal I have for all my students.

The nature of the subject leads to critical thinking on the student’s part, he adds. The reward for any educator comes when these pupils become contributors to society to propel the future into existence. The critical thinking imbued in them allows any student to solve a variety of issues that may never be covered in the classroom. And what does all the teaching and research add up to, in Professor Kramer’s eyes?

 I hope to see at least one difficult problem such as the relay channel, interference channel, or broadcast channel be solved during my lifetime.
Prof. Dr. Harald Klein
Plant & Process Engineering
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kramer
Chair for Communications Engineering
Prof. Dr. Andreas Herkersdorf
Chair for Integrated Systems


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